A blog to blog…

So today is the day! Assignment 2 is due! I received my email informing me of my learning path activities and i was sitting at a 4.7.. so basically I need to write this blog to reach the required number of posts! 🙂 I am currently working through assignment two and am nearly ready to proof read and submit it! woo! I see the light…. nearly there, nearly there, I can do this 😀

Prac… Another stressful additive!

So.. today I have been thinking about prac that is only what, like 2 weeks away?! although I am really looking forward to it, I am quite frustrated that I have absolutely no idea where I will be going to.. I already feel unprepared as I am not sure of a year level, location or even how big the school will be.. Will there be other prac students there? When will I even find out where I am going? Well I am sure I am not the only one starting to feel a little stressed about this… anyways.. back to the assignments!